Posts by Collection



MEGA: Malleable Encryption Goes Awry


Recommended citation: Matilda Backendal, Miro Haller* and Kenneth G. Paterson. (2023). "MEGA: Malleable Encryption Goes Awry" IEEE S&P 2023.

RADIUS/UDP considered harmful


Recommended citation: Sharon Goldberg, Miro Haller, Nadia Heninger, Mike Milano, Dan Shumow, Marc Stevens, Adam Suhl. 2024. "RADIUS/UDP considered harmful". to appear at USENIX 2024

MFKDF: Multiple Factors Knocked Down Flat


Recommended citation: Matteo Scarlata*, Matilda Backendal, Miro Haller. 2024. "MFKDF: Multiple Factors Knocked Down Flat". to appear at USENIX 2024


SGX Accurate Time Measurements


This talk briefly summarizes our improvements on time measurements inside SGX enclaves. It discusses our discovery of the “Poor man’s CMOV” phenomenon, which later led to the USENIX Security paper on the Frontal Attack.

Revisiting Microarchitectural Side-Channels


This talks presents the results of applying cache side-channels to contemporary hardware and investigating AES lookup tables, AES key scheduling, and Argon2. The slides give a brief overview of the content described in this blog post

Climbing the Hacking /mnt/ain


This talk discusses my experience as team coach of the Swiss National Hacking Team and preparing it for the European Cyber Security Challenge 2021.

MEGA: Malleable Encryption Goes Awry


In this talk, I present five attacks on the user-controlled end-to-end security MEGA. Our attacks show that a malicious provider can break authentication and compromise file confidentiality and integrity.

MFKDF: Multiple Factors Knocked Down Flat


This talk presents multiple attacks against the Multi-Factor Key Derivation Function, a novel cryptographic primitive that was presented at USENIX’23.

The Blast-RADIUS attack


The Blast-RADIUS attack allows an MITM attacker to authenticate to any device that uses RADIUS over UDP, which includes the vast majority of network routers and other network gear in enterprise infrastructure.